Heroes Tactics: Mythiventures Wikia


Medusa Heroborder gray0 Stars2

Other than those who have already have been turned to stone, there are not many out there that have seen this seductive beauty...and lived.
"Do you know how hard it is for girl to not be able to take selfies!?"
AttributesRange Physical
Type: Range Physical
HP: 36 Phy Def: 10
Dmg: 30 Mag Def: 12
Mobility: 2 Grounded
Summon: 30 Medusa's Soulstone
Physical Attack
Range Attack
Immune to poison

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Petrifying Arrow:
Shooting a petrifying arrow, dealing great damage. Enemy is turned into stone for 2 rounds.

Initial: Dmg +80, 100% chance of petrifying enemy below level 1
Growth: Dmg +80, 100% chance of petrifying enemy below level +1

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Poison Arrow:
During the Hero's turn during roundss 1,4,7, normal attack shoots a poison arrow, dealing magic damage. Target is poisoned for 2 rounds.

Initial: Causes 50 mag dmg per round
Growth: Causes +50 mag dmg per round

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Deadly Gaze:
Chance of petrifying the enemy during melee attack or when counterattacking. Lasts for 1 round.

Initial: 30% chance of petrifying enemies below level 21
Growth: 30% chance of petrifying enemies below level +1

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Increase initial energy.

Initial: Init Energy +205
Growth: Init Energy +5
