Heroes Tactics: Mythiventures Wikia


Grump Heroborder gray0 Stars1

Even though he is as short as a twig, he can always attract the enemy's attention due to his strong, boulder-like strength.
"Don't ask me to borrow money, I'm a little short."
AttributesMelee Physical
Type: Melee Physical
HP: 52 Phy Def: 16
Dmg: 24 Mag Def: 16
Mobility: 2 Grounded
Summon: 10 Grump's Soulstone
Physical Attack
Immune to Freeze

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Thunder Strike:
Cause a great deal of magic damage on the target, and lower his mobility by 1 for 2 rounds.

Initial: Dmg +100
Growth: Dmg +100

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During a common attack, surrounding heroes that also have this skill have a chance of attacking together.

Initial: 100% chance of co-op attack on targets under level 1
Growth: 100% chance of co-op attack on targets under level +1

note: This skill can be linked with Tristan and Alexander.

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Auto-casted before Hero's turn. Chooses an enemy within 2 cells and forces him to attack the Dwarf hero with only half the damage.

Initial: 100% success rate against enemies below level 21
Growth: 100% success rate against enemies below level +1

note: Forces a common attack. Considered mind magic.

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Increases max HP

Initial: Max HP+7380
Growth: Max HP+180
