Heroes Tactics: Mythiventures Wikia


Pixie Heroborder gray0 Stars2

A mysterious fairy from the woods, good at using her voice and magic to confuse the enemy, preventing them from fighting back.
"Tried going on American Idol, but was told no one can understand my singing.."
AttributesMelee Magic
Type: Melee Magic
HP: 32 Phy Def: 8
Dmg: 32 Mag Def: 16
Mobility: 4 Aerial
Summon: 30 Pixie's Soulstone
Magic Attack
Aerial Movement
Anti Counterattack

Sk10052 Itemborder gray

Dust Blast:
Primary: Uses fairy dust to deal great damage and dissipates any a helpful skills casted on the enemy. Secondary: Chance of lethargy, petrification or weakened effect for three rounds.

Initial: Dmg +80, 100% secondary effect for enemies of level 1
Growth: Dmg +80, 100% secondary effect for enemies of level +1

note: Lethargy halves damage and defense.

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Evasive Boost:
Increases dodge rate for ranged attacks.

Initial: Dodge Rate +15%
Growth: Dodge Rate +0.3%

note: This skill also increases dodge for melee attacks by blocked ranged heroes.

Sk10054 Itemborder gray

Auto-casted at the beginning of Hero's turn during rounds 1,4,7. Randomly puts an enemy to sleep for 1 round. The higher the enemy's level, the great the chance of success. However, enemy will be waken up if attacked.

Initial: 100% Success rate for enemies below level 21
Growth: 100% Success rate for enemies below level +1

Sk10055 Itemborder gray

Chance of replenishing 3 times as much energy when attacking the enemy.

Initial: 100% Success rate when attacking enemy below level 41
Growth: 100% Success rate when attacking enemy below level +1
