Heroes Tactics: Mythiventures Wikia


Lazarus Heroborder gray0 Stars1

The spiritual leader of the Orc tribe, Lazarus possesses powerful magic abilities to defeat the enemy and empower those around him.
"By the way, an apple a day DOES NOT keep the doctor away."
AttributesMelee Physical
Type: Melee Physical
HP: 44 Phy Def: 14
Dmg: 32 Mag Def: 16
Mobility: 2 Grounded
Summon: 10 Lazarus's Soulstone
Physical Attack

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Attacks target with full force, also causing damage to those behind the target.

Initial: Dmg +140
Growth: Dmg +140

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Knock Back:
Melee attack has a chance of knocking back the enemy 1 cell with no chance for counterattack.

Initial: 100% Success rate for enemies below level 1
Growth: 100% Success rate for enemies below level +1

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Auto casted before every round, disperses a teammates' stun or fear. Also increases the unit's damage for 2 rounds.

Initial: Dmg +1050
Growth: Dmg +50

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Energy Splash:
Auto casted before every round, recovers energy.

Initial: Recovers 82 Energy pts
Growth: Recovers +2 Energy pts
